
for those who watch real world

can we talk about the "club promoter" jojo aka ho ho. aka....nonohohojojo as me and mike would put it.

-rhinestoned gun belt buckle
-rhinestoned gun earING
-same sweatshirt with no shirt under
-baggy pants
-biker boots?
-nobody from some random middle american town who wanted to be someone so he came out here and thinks that "promoting" is a real job and that it can get him somewhere in life. he also prolly decided to hook up with brie so he can be on tv.

need i say anymore??

he makes me want to puke then eat it up and then puke it back up again.

im kinda really peeved.

1 comment:

SunFace said...


i want to come over next weds and watch realworld with you. and mike if possible.