last night we were in the oc.....AGAIN. im kinda sick of that place already. was a good time. it was me, craig, laura, christian, christian, nick vic, kyle and russ. we got there and the bar was a plaza. i tried not to get scared cause safari sams is also in a plaza and that venues pretty good. lets just get to the highlights please.
-ordering two cran vodkas and getting a cran vodka and a cosmo????
-pronouncing vodka....vokka
-a girl dancing on stage in which i was wondering if she was hired, later to find out in the bathrooom that she was wearing a tmobile polo rolled up....not for her own pleasure...she definitely just got off work. craig replies "now thats bad business"
-tmobile girl peed with the door open and all i saw from my angle was her head of hair sticking out of the door. i say to laura "does she know about this?"
-a girl in the bathroom asked "have you seen the girl in the blonde dress?"
- another girl in the bathroom informs me to "flush the toilet good. it works...just flush it good" (isnt that the story with all toilets? i think thats pretty standard.)
- apparently i was a bully.
-i called christian , nick , and craig my favorites. and laura was a default favorite of course.
-craig being stoked on an oldies song as if it was a dmx anthem.
- we decided to eat at norms and it SUCKED.
-russ getting the steak, chicken, and shirmp deal for 10$.
- craig being excited about ruffles.
- there was a 14 year old meth addict there which was creepy.
-christian chico gave her a hug.
-word of the night "bro". and not cause we liked it. somehow got changed to
-the walls looking like a vintage airplane but now i think it resembles more of a vintage airport
-my left thigh being REALLY sore today?
-christian chico scaring the living crap out of us when we exited the bathroom.
-some girl coming up to inky and tell her she looked like her boyfriend?? drink more sweetie.