this one is pretty obvious. this one has to be my favorite magazine. never have i seen a magazine so ontop of the fashion scene as a whole. underground, mainstream u name it they have something for everyone in there. i always find clothes i want and NEEEEEED. not to mention theyre ontop of their music, and art also. i also suggest if ur bored to purchase this magazine , go page by page and look up the each designer u come across' website. so awesome. itll really expand ur knowledge of fashion and fashion designers. ok ill stop.

i made thanksgiving dinner this year and this was my guide. this magazine has AMAZING recipes, that are easy and sooooooo good! highly recommended. definitely my favorite cooking magzine.

also a fashion magazine, really good, amazing photo shoots. they are also on top of their art, music, and accessories, as well as stores around the world that have clothes for ur purchasing pleasure.
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