MONDAY: we went to the echoplex to see ed banger spin, because APPARENTLY we didnt get enough at caochella. basically: too many people on stage, 18+ crowd, that guy with the too bright of a flash, and people bumping into me.
HIGHLIGHT: getting free ice cream.
TUESDAY: i desided not to go to cinespace because it would be overkill for me, and the fact that we went out to sushi with kyle and marrissa and got sake which was the death of me. i coudnt move after dinner, i just wanted to go to sleep i was so relaxed. basically im glad i stayed home.
WEDNESDAY: nothing.
THURSDAY: i went out to eat for lacys birthday at a japanese tapas place. i miss her alot..... shes the only girl that ive stayed friends wiht past high school and kept a steady friendship with. man, san deigo sucks......anyway the rest of the night was basically: got some anxiety, mixed some alcohol, went to nick vics for kyle birthday, and had a good time. the end. (here are some pics via lacys camera)

FRIDAY: was hush hush! it was at jimmys lounge this week which was a cute little place, it was just weird cause it was two rooms and the first one was rented out from KBIG 104. that was akward....... im talking about banners everywhere, balloons, and weird creepy people. but the room we were in was cute, it was outside and really loungey. i approve. me and sarah finally caught up and agreeed how there was no genuinely nice people in hollywood besides us and gina turner. its really sad. anyway we went to cactus after, camile (christians cousin) was a mess and i felt so bad (she also bought me drinks all night, bless her soul) , and marrissa couldnt stop dancing. next thing i knew i was home and gonna pass out in my bed. (pics V)

SATURDAY: we went out to breakfast with marrissa and kyle and it was so yummy, then i had to go to my grandmas, then we went to rockognized cino de mayo party. ( i like to call it pico de mayo cause i love my dog) we got there and hung out for a couple hours, me and mike did some routines to the jazzy house music that was playing in the backround. we had the bitchiest bartender ever, after mike ordered his drinks and she gave him the total of 10, he gave her a ten and before he could reach in his wallet for tip money she yells to the crowd "the total doesnt include tips people". really??!?!? so ridiculous. (pics below)

ANYWAY......HIGHLIGHTS: i got two drink tickets, and me, marrissa and mike went crazy on stage while they were spinning.
LOWLIGHTS: people trying WAY too hard to wear ugly clothes (ummmm a helmet?????? teacher clothes?????) , people that dressed like they were going to pure in las vegas, scene kids, moms, barbra streisand dresses, and leotards that werent cute. wtf kind of a group of people is that???? i guess it was a little entertaining. but more irritating haha.
anyway in conclusion it sounds like im an alcoholic , but in reality im embrasing the fact that im not getting my anxiety attacks and finally back to being a regular 21 year old. but this week was a good week to follow up with coachella, but really, this whole week i was wishing i was still there. oh well. back to doing hw like a slave.
(photos by kyle rumble.......i really need to start brining my camera)
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