DAY 1: sat in 5 hours of traffic.
got there dank, i took a nap, went with hayley to the coke house to pick up her bathing suit, then we went swimming till 430am.

DAY 2: wake up, made breakfast (i made eggs brick made sausage and bacon, kyle made chicken) went to the rolling stone pool party at the frank sinatra house. were walking through the side gate and russ tells christian to lead the pack cause he was nervous. we walk in and a handful of eur-dos (european guidos) are all floating on a raft together, the same color tan, and same haircut start yelling HEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY! HEEEEYYYY!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!. we know why russ made christian lead the pack.
there was barely anyone there and it was 1903748975894 degrees outside. we start drinking (for free may i add), get in the pool chill, then the rumble goes on to dj and get the crowd hype. people start showing up and everyones dancing and having a great time. me and tiarra make 300000000 trips to the bathroom, got a free bathing suit in a ziploc bag, and then went home.
as soon as we all get inside not one person is sober. all of us are smashed just like baaaaahhhhhhhhhh! some of us go to the pool some stay.

marrissa buys us all BOMB pizza then we go to coachella. all with headaches and are sleepy. we see justice ( who was alright) then sat on the grass for the rest of the time cause we were too tired.
when we go back to the house everyone goes to the rolling stone party again and i pass ouuuttt.
oh yah and dora stole my sunglasses and broke them and used me and christians towel without asking. everyone be mad at her.

DAY 3: we wake up, make breakfast (nina made pancakes and bacon yuumm) then we proceed to the GQ party.
its really chill, kinda an older crowd but BOMB food, and free drinks. you could get ur hair done by paul mitchell people, and we got free product.
we make our way to the wesc anthem party. we walk up theres an ice cream truck and a moon bounce out back. we walk inside right there, free realllyyyyyy good drinks. we hang out, take a ronysphotobooth, dip in the CLOWDY pool. then busy p, justice, and meddie start spinning. the party goes OFFF! were all dancing in our bathing suits drunk just going crazy. it was so awesome. we didnt even have to go to coachella!
me and kyle encounter a guy who has been swimming and OBVIOUSLY drinking. he stumbles to this little place behind this tree and brings out his yoda bag. yup. yoda. i thought maybe he was leaving and i was thinking thank god cause he doesnt look so good. nope......just getting two cigarettes out. he throws down his bag, then stumbles over every stair and some how manages to not fall. he makes his way in the pool with two cigarettes in his mouth and we never saw him again. i hope hes ok.
christian needed his inhaler and were walking out to go to the car then allll these goodie bags drop from the sky (aka second story) and me christian and brick just snatch em. (they ended up being really weak but its free so whatever!).
after a short while we leave, face some unecessary 19 year old drama , then me and christian ate and went home.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEKEND: dead weight, marissa, wesc party, free drinks, free stuff, free food, spending 80 dollars the whole weekend and it was only on tips for the bartenders, living in water, russ in bacteria water, dead weight, the guy who gave us a lift on his golf cart to the front of coachella, ahsley taking out her extensions without telling anyone till morning and waking up with short hair , people helping me clean, and no anxiety.
(photos cred-, and
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