Last night we went go watch the rumble spin but it randomly got canceled, and we were let known as soon as we got off vine. the next best thing to do was go to cheetahs, a strip club in echo park that dj pubs was throwing a party at. (just take a second to take that sentence in right now)............ as soon as we got there it was impossible to get sorry but how hard is it really to get into a strip club? anyway....we meet up with classy max and his cute gf, kyle, marissa and russ finally comes out to join us and we head out to short stop in echo park. me and mike encounter: 40 year old bartender, 3 drinks for $17, david zegar everywhere we turn, lesbians staring us down, a guy in dreads dancing crazy, dirty dave throwing his hands in the air while going cross eyed, a dj that was really bad at mixing songs, and the we walk to our car two guys behind us singing cum-bay-yah as loud as they could for at least 10 minutes. not yelling.....singing. like they were ready for the next american idol auditions. they were prolly already signed up in fact........ now heres some pictures.
if u didnt know i have a double chin.

i like christian in this one.

(photo cred= / my camera FINALLY I REMEMBERED! but it also reminded me how shitty my camera was like the original cybershot.)
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