last night i wanted to go to sudden death but then we got home too late from picking up my mom from my grandmas. so we stayed home and played mario party. (seriously, dont get a ds, because it will take your soul). although i wish i woulda gone to vine bar because apparently, from a reliable source named craig, there were people in gowns they wore to the oscars there?????!?!?!?!?!? HOW COULD I MISS SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!
in other news, today im working for my mom and heres what has happened

-i found out that corner bakery is open for breakfast ALL DAY!!!! except for potatoes and oatmeal....they serve that till they run out.

-i went to drop off hershy and when i was doing so, there was an older couple....prolly in their 70s, and they had a set of wiener dogs. the old man leans over to pet hershy (our chocolate lab) and he gets a smile on his face. after this happens, the woman was like "you better take the one ur holding out to go to the bathroom" and he replies "i was going to " and then that led me to think how this poor old man prolly didnt even want these kinds of dogs anyway, he prolly wanted a golden retriever or a lab maybe? and how he prolly thinks that everytime she nags him about something.

-as we walked through the mall and looked for coffee tables, the questions that came into my mind were "why is hot topic still open? does abercromie really need to blast their music to the point of a headache? does anyone shop at cache? and i love tacone wraps."

- on our way home there was a HUGE hive of bees on a wall in someones backyard. i think they might take over the neighborhood. (i posted a pleasant picture because i was getting the creeps looking at real hives)
thats all for today. tomorrow: dance, car dealership, and?
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