russ and amanda fighting in the car (as always), loosing my breath as soon as i walked in because it was so hot, christian cheeko putting his hair in a ponytail, christian cheeko drinking a drink with a cigarette butt in it, marissa being my buddy the whole night, drinks being 5$, this flimsy bamboo wall separating this smoking area from the outside world, christians cousins...jessica and kim falling into the bamboo wall and laying flat, mike phan being a liar,the rumble killlllllling did everyone else! weidos being there,'s flash blinding me, getting a ring pop from the bartender, and christian serenading us in the car.
here are the photooooooooooooooooossssssss............
christians favorite

christian being half retarded.

this one makes me laugh because it tells a story.....someones life story.


and the joint wedding.....

so fun. just too hot.
good start to my break.
(photo credddddd-
haha so good...i really hope i don't get sick from the cigarette u n t i m e s
who you callin a liar? liar.
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