girls dressed in jiggy dresses with high heals, french tips, pedis, and bling, some girls walking up to mark and rony and saying "are you the photographer?", me and allison matching, EVERYONE wearing their jumper dresses....including me.....ouch, my mouth having absolutely no spit in my mouth due to me being drunk the past two days, them jeans killing it, christians dancing was pretty good, allison kenny and mike doing the "lean like a cholo" dance, allison getting a poloroid for 3$ and her exscuse being " i know chanelle", jacob macking on girls, talking in the parking lot with christians 50 cousins for an hour, and going to cactus with the 50 cousins.
story of the night: we were all at cactus, hanging out, eating food and this gti pulls up just like mine but with a spoiler. i joke " hey guys the vallets here lets go" christian number 2, being as wasted as he was, believed me and started walking twards it. the guy gets out of his car in a suit with his tie totally untied around his neck, hair messed up, face messed up......he OBVIOUSLY had a BAD night already. he walks up to the window at cactus to find out it is closed.....which let me just ask you.....didnt he see it was closed when he drove by?.........aka his night just got worse. so christian number 2 is sitting there laughing because he thought it was my car and hes like "oh yah that one has a spoiler" in which the guy prolly only heard "spolier" as he was walking back to his car in disapointment. when ur having as bad of a day as that guy had folks, u would think everyone was out to get u too. so he says "suck my nuts" were all like ummmmmmmmmm ........what? and hes like "suck my nuts!!" standing there in the same pose michael jackson had in his video for black or white.....(arms out like a T.) and my christian was like what? and hes like "not you.....YOU!" pointing to christian #2... us-still standing in shock. he stood there for 2 more mins to see if anyone wanted to go further with this mess and then gets in his car and drives off petal to the metal....leaving us all in silence and asking ourselves what just happened? there was a moment of silence then just laughter and elaboration for an hour. the end
moral of the story: dont say a WORD to a man with an un tied tie and suit on, who looked like he had a long night to begin with, who has just found out cactus is closed.
now for tha pics......theres not many because no one brought their camera but u get the idea.

and i like this one because of christians face in the backround....

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