oh man so i got back from macau yesterday. i was SO JET LAGGED today! i seriously feel like today was a dream and when i was living it i was so clumsy and disoriented. it was actually funny tho.
macau was fun! it sucked at first cause we got no per diem but we got everything figured out and its fine now. we all got to get to know each other better, people opened up and we just had a great time together.
the venitian in macau is HUGE!!! its the largest casino in the world and 2nd largest structure (the largest is a factory)
they had 4 "rivers" for the gondola rides.
the show was so much fun and after we were attacked by fans and took 509302890 pictures. then we got escorted to our elevators by security. this was followed by a bomb buffet and drinks at the lounge after.
macau is super laid back, asian, but fun. no one walks around wasted or is loud its kinda funny.
but next weekend is vegas! wooooo! thats a very brief summery but my pictures are on my space so u can check em there.
lets hope im awake tomorrow! sheesh!
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