-it was in a cat toy factory.
-in crenshaw.
-there were file cabinets, desks, and pictures of cats everywhere.
-90s dancinf
-a kid on e who wouldnt stop moving
-laura got molested by a group of GIRLS.
-good music of course.
-christian: guys, theres an upstairs. (then walks away)
-the scare of a gunman there but it was really a guy who lives down the street who was standing outside his house with a gun in case anyone peed on his lawn.
-moms and dads galore for the band.
-i ran into someone i worked at hollister with......so random.
- i said that one of the cats on file needs a "catscan"
- a fight broke out between a oager girl and a short guy. he was pushing her, she was screaming and crying while towering over him and he just still was like WHAT!!! as he looked up to her.
-chanelle to christian chico: hey what cha doin
christian chico: oh just walking off my alcohol.
-baga singing "hey chanelle, how ya doin today....89 cents is what were gonna pay....."
-me and laura being the welcoming/bathroom welcoming committee
-chanelle: christian, someone has a gun!
chanelle: (not amused)
heres some pictures for ur enjoyment...more on thecobrasnake.com

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