you know what i dont get? acrylic toe nails.
why put fake nails on ur toes? did you hear that?
thats so foul.
and not to mention .......whats wrong with your own toes??????
if theyre fungusy ...theres polish over them.....if theyre rigid ....you file them.
i just dont get this concept and quite frankly it grosses me out!
(warning: the picture above is an exaggeration to what im talking about.......so i DOUBLE dont get that picture)
hahhaha hilarious !! that's pretty funny
and this is why i hate feet. so gross.
You all are so0oO fuxin STUPID you probably don't even know the beginning of even trying to look like a Diva! It's not cause you HAVE to put nails over your toes it's because it's just something you might just WANNA do to jazz it up a little, oh and by the way that bitch up top with those nails looks like a fucktard lol,
Wtf Isz Dhisz.?
Ewh They Tew Lonq & Look Grosz.
Buh Damn Foreal Doh How She Wear Shoes.?
WHoloe Tyme Niqka Prolly Been Wearinq Sandalsz Lookinq DUmb Asz Shyt.
People with fungus needs fake toe nails.. so u all shouldnt judge...
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