
pet peeve

why do people not answer numbers they dont know? i just dont get it. arent you curious? that would bother me so bad. and what if its important? what if your friend was in a car crash and they needed u and their phone flew out the window and they were using someone elses phone??? wouldnt u feel awful?? just because u "dont answer numbers u dont know"

what about a private number? or unknown? my house phone is that. what happens if my phone dies and im calling to tell u ur running late?? ur shit out of luck my friend.

what is the worst that could happen if u answered? its the wrong number??? OH NO!!! NOT A WRONG NUMBER!!

everyone answer all their calls. im peeved.


Anonymous said...

I am one of those.. I believe there are such things as Voice Mail as well. It doesn't hurt to leave one. ;)

Chanelle said...

yes u are right, buuuut it wouldnt hurt to answer either? hahaha

SunFace said...

whenever ppl i kno call me from unknown numbers its usually like this:

them: sunny!
me: WHO IS THIS?!??
them: so and so
me: oh heyy whatsgoing on?

if i get calls from unknowners and i cant hear every well; i hang up.

SunFace said...

i meant very not every...
hahahah fun.