christian and pauly picked up me and craig from the shoot and onward we went to pick up christian#2. after this we headed out. got to "the lodge" aka travelodge, checked in, got ready and went to the music loves fashion party. here we partook in open bar provided by belvedere. got drunk, went to dennys, went back and slept.
day 2: woke up, i didnt sleep cause all i had was a sheet, got ready, bounced. ate at elmers, aka we became the regulars by sunday, then proceeded to the anthem party. when we pulled up and parked in a dirt/dessert parking lot i joke to christian#2 and criag "watch out for rattle snakes!" they get scared i say jk, we laugh, yadda yadda. we get out and were walking then we realize the bush next to us is rattleing slash hissing. apparently im psychic. we take a "detour" which somewhat takes us into more desserty area which seems to be a worse idea but we made it. then we were outside for 10 min waiting for the cops to finish a "walk through". i was on the verge of passing out it was so RIDICULOUSLY hot. finally russ comes outside and of couse, is magical, and we get right in. so we go in and let me tell u this shit was bananas. were talking a station to get ur nails done, open bar with izze to acompany vodka, a donkey in which u could take pictures with (he was hating life poor donkey), free food-catered, le sport sac gift bags, a pool with tons of floating devices and rafts for your pleasure, and some fine tunes to enjoy while u partake in any of these events. basically we went swimming then got drunk, went home, ate at la casita, then off to horizon once again. we were waiting outside cause it was all hectic and the security guard had his shit memorized "have ur id's ready, if you dont have em, u cant get in, even if ur on the guest list". .......ladies and gentlemen we heard this more than 20 times...same voice, tone, melody, words everything. please put some variety in your saying if ur gonna say it that much....... as we walked into the party i was welcomed with someone screaming my name. of course, it was sarah morrison sitting on the ground next to the bar. super excited, i run over and sit with her. i end up there for about an hour we talk about such things as, "chanelles guide to having fun/surviving in the heat" , the real world coachella senior citizen edition, in which everyone falls asleep every 5 min because its too much (based off where sarah is staying and the people she is staying with), and anxiety issues in which we both face. while we were sitting next to the bar some guys walk past us after they get their drinks and one of them spills a little bit on my arm. i wipe it off and keep listening to sarah, no big deal it wasnt alot. they start bitching about how stupid it is that we were sitting there and how were in the way, then they see were not paying attention so they throw out "someone could spill ALCOHOL on ur BLACKBERRY" we still ignore them , they get flustered and walk away. alright buddy i dont know what YOUR mad about because u spilled UR drink on me, so if anything i should be mad, for 2, u didnt even run into us and were not even in the way. we blame it on the heat then move on. after this i meet up with craig, we talk about how tired we are then we were talking about people being wusses, so we quicky started drinking because we didnt want to fall in this category. we get a drink and i forget to get christian one i come back and joke "oh the bars closed i couldnt get u anything" we laugh and i go back to get him a drink.....when i get to the front...... "were sorry, were done". apparently im psychic. after this we get jack in the box and go home and sleepy time.

notice me and liz in the backround

day 3: wake up, check out, get some elmers (the crepes were divine) and one of the older ladies working there comes up to craig and asks...."are you.....wait..." and im thinking who could she be thinking about? cause craig just looks like craig. maybe sam jackson? idk. she proceeds " are you prince?" we pause........laugh. then she says "i was watching him on the TUBE and i loved this song and was wondering what it was ever since." ............ive never left a place so confused. after this shenanigan we head back to the anthem party.......i was a little bummed we didnt "party hop" more but the anthem was good enough. we get there, and its more chill this time, a little bit less people and DOPE music cause people from DFA were spinning. we get in the pool of course, get our drinks yaddayadda, then dan decides to let us know that people got staff infections from this pool. hearing this i tell liz and craig (we were all three floating together in the pool) no one really gets it so i just jet. im sorry folks but i do NOT want to mess with that. at this point it was everyone for themselves. i was out of that pool faster than u could say staff infection. liz was left confused and i dont think that craig even knew what hit him. he was chillin in that floaty island/palm tree device. i get out , liz pulls craig to the side of the pool, i GLANCE away, look back, and craig is back in the middle of the pool....just having a grand time. im like CRAIG GET OVER HERE! UR LIFE IS IN DANGER! ok maybe i didnt say that but something around those lines. so we all get out, christian goes as far as to rinse off in the sink. i quickly forget and proceed to get more drinks. at this point our eye is directed to a TANKED asian girl. this girl can not STAND. she straight up collapses people crowd around and i believe someone went to get some help. she gets up, stumbles around and jumps in the pool. her friend jumped in after and saved her. she gets out and runs to the bathroom puking. folks, if we are going to party and have open bar , lets not kill ourselves. thank you. after this we are all drunk and laying around then all of a sudden someone comes on the mic to say "the mayor is coming with squad cars because we got complaints from the neighbors. its now a self serve bar, u dont have to leave, sorry there will be no music, have a good day" .......................ummmmmmm.......................lets talk about this. 1, the MAYOR?! im convinced he just wanted to party. 2, SELF SERVICE BAR?! aka riots?! 3d, im sad i didnt grab a bottle on the way out, maybe some izze too. anyway, we leave, we go eat at spagettia and head out. i was falling asleep the whole ride home and we went to bed at 11.

kevins debut.......the password is pepper if u want to get into that clubhouse.

-seeing people i miss
-oh wow!
-ghetto being the new n word.
-nick vic saying "i dont even remember parts of my sentences"
-russ loosing his hat when he didnt wear one.
-liz's drunken pin giving.
-dan shouting out my blog url during the party.
-how i put telepathic instead of psychic. thanks kevin.
-me and liz getting drinks on the pool side of the bar from a bar back even tho we werent allowed.
if i havent lost ur interest by this point, those all the pictures i can handle for now. maybe ill add some later. whew. that was work.
thanks for reading kloveyoubye.
(photo cred:,, and nick vic's camera)
yea that mayor was just pissed he wasn't invited.
Staph infection is spread the same way ringworm is. The most likely was no danger with the pool, but it's good that you were cautious, i guess...except you forgot to wash off.
well thank god because that was scary. and i took a shower when i got back to the room so its cool! ahahahah but thank you for the will help me in future dilemmas.
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