1, i got a fix it ticket last week for my brake light. i went today to get it signed off by a sheriff and when hes done he says " alright, just send this in and ull prolly have to pay like 10 bucks ok something...alright have a good day!"
i have a problem with this. sir can u please explain how i am supposed to know that my brake light, THAT IS IN BACK OF MY CAR, is out? why on earth would i have to pay 10 dollars for you to tell me its out and for me to pay to get it fixed? this does not make sense. its like telling someone that they have a fine for having toilet paper stuck to their ass. THEY DONT KNOW ITS THERE! ITS BEHIND THEM!! do i check for the brake light when im at a stop light? and how could i even do this by myself? someone needs to be there to step on the brake! do i randomly do check ups with my loved one? ok hunny time to check if all of our brake lights are out.
i sure hope i dont have to pay 10 dollars. thats ridic!
and lastly, im venting to laura about how i dont want to pay this 10 dollars, and i see in front of me a volvo that has a sticker on the back windshield, and its not a bumper sticker its just words and it reads...
"what if the hokey pokey IS what its all about?"
and i just started laughing. its as if they were really asking america, or just simi valley. that sticker turned my day right around!