soooo im really jet lagged and tired so imma make this short and sweet and updte later.
taiwan was amazing, i really wanted to blog everyday but that didnt happen. i got too busy. im posting all the pictures on my myspace so ill link it so you can see cause theres about 599999 pictures and im not about to post them again ahahah.
we performed in front of 15,000 people....that was awesome.
the city was amazing, people were sweet, food was good, people i danced with were fun and i kinda miss them.....sad face.
i learned how to use chopsticks properly.
they had amazing snacks. mmmmmmm.
flight on the way back was awful because i wanted to sleep and i couldnt get comfortable in a 2 feet wide seat.
coming home was weird but im getting used to it. being jet lagged is the weirdest thing ever and i dont like it. booooo.
annnnnnnd the end! hahaha. updates later. byes.