whew what a busy month! i just got back (kinda) from shanghai a week ago, had my birthday party and now im leaving for singapore wednesday! sheesh!
shanghai was cool, apparently the food there is dirty and its dangerous out there so it was a little scary hahaa. we went to a market and man that was intense. popluation of a million, everyone giving dirty looks, no one being helpful, people selling rabbits on the street, and bikes running u over because they dont care. woo! we also went to a club and that was cool it was just filled wiht smoke to the point where i couldnt breathe. lets just say my pleather leggings absorbed the smoke and now smell like smoke, thats how much there was. our hotel was really nice, the breakfast was really good! the arena was attatched to our hotel so that was convenient to rehearse. the stadium held 80,000 i think we performed for 50 or 60,000. that was awesome! the only thing that sucked was i ate noodles 4 hours before and they dehydrated me like CRAZE and i was super disoriented on stage and dizzy and such, so i couldnt really enjoy the performance. :( but its okkkkk! ill get em next time! hahaha. but in the end i definitley like taiwan better. by A LOT!!
so as i just mentioned it was my birfday!! i had a party and it was AMAZING!! all my friends came and i just had a blast. christian, dan and cam spun and they did amazing. curly and his amazing friend helped me throw it at an amazing venue, and we all just had a blast! thanks so much everyone who came, and everyone who helped me make it happen! unfortunely i didnt tkae pictures, adn ron had to leave his camera with someone so i only have a few pictures :(

pictures from shanghai and my birfday are on my myspace. im too lazy to post em all! (link on the side ---->)
sorry ive been so bad about posting. i will try my hardest to keep it going!