oh man i totally had a dry spell for a week. suprisingly NOTHING exciting enough to write about happened to me. how does that happen?
anyway....just to catch everyone up
-a week ago from last friday was hush hush, i had a panic attack (pictured above)...... just in the middle of cinespace....... thought i was gonna pass out...... fun....... i was fine after 7 glasses of water.
- and a week ago from saturday was the evil doers party i think? whatever that was only fun because i saw the girl from garden state that made out with zach braff in the drug doing scene. i think she is just the cutest thing ever, so it was cool to see her. i tried to tell everyone but NO ONE knew what i was talking about. i must be the only fan.
-this friday night we went to shag for kennys birthday in which i saw the drag queen that was on surreal life, a guy in a blazer that strutted to the music as he walked across the club, and a sway look alike.

which brings me to my wonderful night that brought me out of my dry spell....(its kinda long but its a good one)
First we are on our way to the veue that my friends were SUPPOSED to dj at but had to forfit as if it was tag footballl or something, and we were stopped at a light. ( in downtown.....SLUMMMMSSSSS). russ is in front with christian and kevin in the car and me and danielle were behind. this crazy sillouhette waddled to russes window, with about 478394578493 layers on and a cigarette he put up to the window offering a puff maybe? im not too sure. i was like oh man thats scary, hes prolly gonna come up to our car but the light will prolly change. so he starts walking back to our car.....he stops in front of our car his face is revealed into the light which is the scariest ALIVE human being ive ever seen....im still contemplating if he was alive or a zombie.....his cheeks were that of the grand canyon and his eyes were as big as pugs eyes. he looked at both of us while he stood in the headlights and desided to come to MY SIDE!!!!!!! MINE! WHY MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(danielle driving im in passenger). so starts waddling slowly to my side...closer and closer.....my hearts beating at a milllion beats per milla second. ( keep in mind its STILLLLLLL RED!!!!)( i seriously felt like i was at six flags for fright fest). he puts the lit cigarette to MY window.....i shake my head no. he leans in CLOSER and i still shake my head no while looking into my purse for nothing just so i wont have to look at him. the light FINALLY turns green and i thanked the lord. i think that was the longest light in history.
so we get to the party and its in this old ass theater that looked like the titanic was brough up from under the ocean and put in the middle of the of downtown and had a party in it. there was an art show on the 3d level which was underground...in which i was scared for my life while i was down there because i thought it was gonna collapse. right when we walked into the art show part keivn manalow dropped his drink, which made a huge noise, and he stood there with his hands in the air like what happened? while everyone in the vecinity was staring at him. he later came up to me and was like man im glad no one saw that........i sat there contemplating wether i should let him know that EVERYONE saw it, or if i should just let him believe no one saw. ......so i told him. and he was like " but no one knew it was me" ........again ....should i tell him? or let him believe that? so i told him.....um EVERYONE SAW! and hes like whatever.......
after that mess we came to this "extrordinary" piece that had a stelleto attatched to all the gagets and door stopper would push it so that the heal would press a key on a piano. everyone was around it in awe. me and dannirep on the other hand, were left confused.
we then were standing in a little circle by the door and these guy came up to us and say " hey u guys are cute wanna come to an after party?" i think they were talking to my 2 guy friends standing with us......christian then interrupts and says " are u guys gonna play akon there?" ( because me and christian can go on for hours about how we hate akon and we still have yet to find someone who likes him) and the creepsters were like " ummmm.......yah......" and christians like " do u guys like akon?" and they answered "ummmm ya???" christians like "thats weird." and walked away. which left it really akward and hilarious. they prollly felt really stupid. it was really entertaining. thanks christian.
and that was my night!
today we went to reds and i found a lady bug in my salad. i wasnt sure wether to be grossed out or excited cause theyre good luck....
no pictures today sorry. i really need to be better about bringing my camera.